I. What does verification of Hungarian citizenship mean?

As a general rule, Hungarian citizenship is based on the principle of descent. That is, if one of your parents or grandparents is a Hungarian citizen, or was at your birth, you probably are as well. This can be justified by the procedure of “verification of citizenship”. By confirming/verifying your citizenship, you can be a Hungarian citizen even if you do not speak Hungarian.

Please consult our Hungarian Citizenship page to determine if this is the right procedure for you.


II. Documents to be submitted:

You can apply for the procedure by filling in the "Application for proof of citizenship"(Állampolgárság igazolása iránti kérelem). The form is only available in Hungarian. For Israeli citizens, the 4 + 2 pages application must be completed, as well as the forms for registration of birth, marriage and divorce abroad (if the applicant is married or divorced).

Additional annexes to be attached to the application form:

  1. Birth certificate of the applicant (including the mother's maiden name)
  2. Marriage / divorce certificate of the applicant
  3. Marriage certificate of the applicant's parents (it is necessary to trace the entire chain back to the last ancestor born in Hungary)
  4. Hungarian birth and marriage certificate of the applicant's ancestors of Hungarian origin.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Certificates and birth certificates issued by Jewish communities and rabbinic / rabbinical courts in Hungary are not accepted as proof of descent in the proceedings, as civil registration was introduced in Hungary since 1895! Due to this, only municipal certificates can be accepted.
  5. If there has been a name change in the family, a record of it must be presented
  6. All Israeli documents must have Apostille certification which may be issued at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem, and you must also bring precise Hungarian translations for each of them. To help you, we have uploaded the most commonly used translation samples of Israeli certificates that can be downloaded from here. The correctness of the translation is checked by the consular staff of the Embassy. 
  7. If you or your ancestors left Hungary before 1945, it is advisable to attach other documents proving the Hungarian citizenship (for example: old Hungarian passport, identity card, residence certificate or contemporary citizenship document, document issued by a contemporary Hungarian authority, school certificate , workbook, military book, address form, name change document, etc.),
  8. Valid photo ID of the applicant and his / her spouse (eg Israeli passport or identity card).


III. Method of submission:

The application has to be submitted in person after prior appointment. For information on booking an appointment, please see our "General Information - appointments" page.

We would like to draw the attention of our clients to the fact that in case of applicants younger than 18, the personal presence and consent of both legal representatives is required.


IV. Duration of the procedure:

The process usually takes at least 6-12 months, which the embassy is unable to expedite.

The Naturalization and Citizenship Determination Department at the Budapest Capital Governmental Office (BFKH) can provide information on your ongoing citizenship case:

Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala (BFKH)

Állampolgársági és Anyakönyvi Főosztály

Honosítási és Állampolgárság Megállapítási Osztály

1105 Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 53-55.

Telefon: + 36-1-550-1218

Fax: +36-1- 443-5991

E-mail: apmeg@bfkh.gov.hu


Simultaneously with the examination of citizenship, it is necessary to initiate the registration of birth, marriage, divorce and name change. Once the citizenship has been verified, the determining authority will automatically issue the requested Hungarian birth certificates.

In connection with your ongoing registration cases, the Hungarian Registry Office of the BFKH's Citizenship and Registry Department is competent to provide information:

Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala (BFKH)

Állampolgársági és Anyakönyvi Főosztály

Hazai Anyakönyvi Osztály

1105 Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 53-55.

Telefon: + 36- 1- 323-3176

Fax: +36- 1- 323-3180

E-mail: hazaianyakonyv@bfkh.gov.hu


V. Procedure fee

For the verification of citizenship process a general consular fee is charged. Upon successful completion of the procecss, the Hungarian authorities issue a “citizenship certificate” valid for 3 years. We would like to draw the attention of our clients to the fact that a valid Hungarian identity card or a Hungarian passport expired no more than a year ago also proves the existence of Hungarian citizenship.

Divorce, change of name and paternity declaration services must be paid. The current fees for the services can be found under the Consular Fees menu.

The fee for official proceedings is set by law. Discounts can be granted exceptionally on the basis of Government Decree 469/2017 (XII. 28.) in case of an application supported by appropriate documents.


VI. Other important information:

Please fill out the forms according to the rules and order of the Hungarian language (with regards to names: (1.) surname, then (2.) first name; with regards to dates: year, month, day + accents) in block letters or on a computer and submit them in printed form at the agreed time. Please do NOT sign the completed forms, they must be signed in person at the consulate.

Please note that the Israeli authorities will only indicate the mother's maiden name on the Israeli birth certificates upon special request. Birth certificates not indicating the mother’s maiden name cannot be used in Hungarian proceedings.

If you have any further - non appointment-related - questions regarding the procedure - not, please provide us with your full name and telephone contact at the following e-mail address: consinfo.tlv@mfa.gov.hu


VII. Forms

The following forms will be necessary, filled out digitally (not hand-written). The forms are only available in Hungarian and must be filled out in Hungarian: